ad77design - english TOU
By downloading ad77design´s products you agree with these terms of use.TERMS OF USE:PERSONAL USE and S4H/SHO friendly!Feel free to alter these images to use in your personal scrapbook pages and other printable-digital items, you MAY alter any graphics with respect to color, size or by adding to or removing from them BUT you MAY NOT claim altered graphics as your own.
You MAY submit your scrapbook layouts using my stuff to online or print publications as long as credit is given to the designer. This includes any graphics that have been altered.
You MAY NOT use these images to create obscene, defamatory, or immoral works.
You MAY NOT use these graphics for any commercial projects or making commercial use products to resell.
You MAY NOT create brushes or tubes from my products.
You MAY NOT share these graphics, zip files or folders (together or separately) with anyone else (including public share folders such as 4shared).
You MAY use my products to decorate your PERSONAL blog, provided that you clearly credit ad77design and provide a link back to my blog or store.
LIMITED S4H/S4O licence: YOU MAY create layouts or other craft items for INDIVIDUAL clients, to be delivered to the client in printed or flattened .jpg form ONLY IF said items are not sold in bulk. No more than 150 of each individual design created with my products may be sold. Please contact me for special permission if a client wishes to purchase more than 150 of any individual design. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
ad77design MUST be given credit, either in the invoice you provide to your client(s) or on the card itself.
YOU MAY NOT sell pre-made cards, scrapbook pages or other crafts with my products. Each item must be unique and created for the individual client, on a case-by-case basis.
YOU MAY NOT create quick pages to be sold or given away with my products.
S4H/S4O terms ONLY apply to kits and other products that are solely mine. Collaborations with other designers do not apply, unless you receive individual permission from that designer as well.
CZECH TOU ad77design
Venujte prosim pozornost podminkam uziti - stazenim produktu souhlasite s podminkami!
Tento produkt je urcen pro osobni uziti a je take S4H/SHO friendly!
Personal use - podminky osobniho uziti:
Z meho materialu muzete tvorit scrapbooky k online ci tistene publikaci za podminky, ze nebudete grafiku vydavat za svou, tzn. vzdy uvedete kredit ve forme "ad77design: nazev kitu".
Material ad77design nesmite vyuzit komercne, vyjma S4H/S4O - podminky jsou uvedeny nize. Material ad77design nesmite dale prodavat ani s jeho pomoci tvorit vlastni kity! Z materialu ad77design nesmite tvorit brushe/stopy.
Tento material nesmite pouzivat k tvorbe nemoralnich, obscennich a pornografickych praci.
Materialy ad77design - a respektujte to prosim, za kazdym kitem jsou hodiny a hodiny prace! - nesmite s nikym sdilet, nahravat na 4shared, predavat si pres uschovnu atp.
Material ad77design muzete (a ja tim budu velmi potesena) vyuzit k ozdobeni vlastniho osobniho blogu, ale opet prosim uvedte kredit ad77design.
LICENCE S4H/S4O - podminky uziti:
Muzete tvorit LO nebo jine formy pro INDIVIDUALNI klienty, vysledna kolaz musi byt klientovi dodana vytistena nebo digitalne ve formatu .jpg (sloucene vrstvy!!!). Kazda individualni kolaz muze byt prodana max. v mnozsti 100 ks. V pripade, ze klient ma zajem o vetsi mnozstvi, kontaktujte mne prosim.
Vzdy musite uvadet kredit ad77design, bud na fakturu vystavenou klientovi nebo primo na danem dile.
NESMITE prodavat predpripravene karty, stranky nebo jine formy vytvorene z mych designu. Kazda polozka musi byt unikatni a vytvorena pro konkretniho klienta!!!
NESMITE z materialu ad77design tvorit quick pages (at uz na prodej ci jako freebie)!
Tyto podminky plati pouze pro produkty, ktere jsou jen moje, netyka se collabu s jinymi designery.