čtvrtek 27. ledna 2011

In love again, coupon, MScraps birthday and blogtrain freebie!

Hello, my dear blog readers! At first I´d like to show you my newest kit (you must know that some elements were made by my small daughter and she is so proud of it:-))

In love again kit by ad77design

60 elements (incl. colour versions)
3 ready to use overlays (layered and shadowed)
9 papers
S4H/S4O friendly!

You can buy this kit at MScraps.

Kitík můžete samozřejmě kupovat i za korunky - a to na Scrapuj.cz.

Coupon for three fastest / kuponek pro tři nejrychlejší :
usable for In love again kit at MScraps.

Join us for lots of fun, games and challenges this weekend (January 28th - January 31, 2011) as MScraps Designers and CT Members celebrate MScraps' First Birthday! And there will be also storewide sale:-).

As part of the celebration, there is a Blog Train with lots of fabulous freebies. It starts on Friday at 20:00 GMT.
Here's my contribution to Bash Blog Train Collab. Download here (password: pearls)

And your next destination on this blog train is none other than Mary´s blog! Yes, she has an awesome freebie for you. Make sure you stop by and see what it is.
Thanks for stopping by! Can't wait to party with you during the weekend Birthday Bash!

sobota 8. ledna 2011

Week by week 1 - perfect for your project 365!

Are you planning to do project 365 this year? I´m coming with simple, but very useful templates for your project 365/52 pages - Week by week 1. You will use it again and again! Contains 4 layered templates in PSD format (shadows in separate layers), size 12x12, each for 7 photos. And frames from these templates are also coming in PNG format (already shadowed) for quick use. Pack is S4H/S4O friendly! Available at MScraps.

Plánujete se letos věnovat projektu 365? Nebo si prostě jen sem tam chcete udělat týdenní koláž z rodinných fotek? Pak pro vás budou ideální templates Week by week 1. Rámečků není nikdy dost:-). Balíček obsahuje 4 vrstvené templates v PSD formátu (už ostínované, ale stíny rámečků jsou ve zvláštních vrstvách, pokud potřebujete stín jinak), každé na 7 fotek - ideální pro týdenní přehledy. "Multifoto" rámečky pak jsou i samostatně v PNG formátu, už ostínované. S4H/S4O friendly! Za korunky koupíte na Scrapuj.cz.